Y Yo Por Que Chingaos No?
I had been standing at that bar for a while... my back was hurting... some people started moving on the setting... a lot of people started screaming... a few songs later my throat was hurting... I was having fun, but you were missing... the lyrics were not helping either... I was shouting them at the rithm of the music and they were shouting back reminding me that you were not there... I so wanted to call you and wake you up... but I wouldn't have even heard your voice and all the noise would have just confused you or even scared you... so much for my "romantic" call... I had no option but to keep enjoying the concert with my friends... surrounded by a few hundred strangers... but alone anyways... I knew being sad was not going to take me anywhere... so I smiled and wished you a good night... but the lyrics would bring you back again... I wasn't going to get you out of my head... so I decided to enjoy the concert with you... I could finally focus on what was going on around me... I noticed that the singer's personality (and even his looks to a certain extent) reminded me of one of my friends... the one who didn't show up at Laura's place when we were in Mexico City... Gil... who also has a long distance relationship at the moment because his girlfriend went to Canada recently... and there I was again thinking about long distance relationships hahaha... I thought I would write you an email and maybe that would help me feel better... and then I remembered that Laura wrote a post about how she met her boyfriend... arguing that German writes romantic posts for his girlfriend "..." (don't ask... we don't know why he writes that instead of her name)... that Milton complains about his love disventures in his posts... that Gil "cries" for his girlfriend in his blog... and then I asked myself the same question Laura asked herself... if all these idiots make their love adventures and disventures public in their writings... "Y yo por que chingaos no?"... which is "mexican spanish" for "and why wouldn't I?"... and here I am... giving the same idiots a reason to mess with me...
It hasn't even been a week and I miss you like crazy... there is no doubt in my mind... I'm really sure about what I want... and whom I want it with... I love you... thank you so much for a wonderful year... happy anyverssary... hopefully the first one out of many to come... and hopefully the last with the Atlantic between us...
Ohne Dich ist alles doof... Ich Liebe Dich Vanessa Weiner... Ich Liebe Dich